With the launch of their “Keep Your Body Working” brand campaign, Massage Envy set out to change the way people think about massage, stretch, and skin care services by making these services part of a person’s everyday health and wellness routine, as opposed to a one-in-a-while luxury. And so they needed a partner to change the way people find, schedule, and access Massage Envy services across their digital properties. Enter React.
The Background:
Redefine the online experience while redefining self-care.
Massage Envy tasked React with bringing their new brand to life accurately and consistently across their digital platforms, position their products and services as necessary parts to any self-care regimen, make it easy to find and schedule appointments, and do this while being true to the established “Keep Your Body Working” brand campaign. React set out to build a seamless experience across desktop, mobile, and app that allows users to engage with the new brand promise and new services.

The Experiment:
Make the experience of finding and scheduling a service as enjoyable as a massage.
In order to create a digital experience that is true to the brand, and make it as easy as possible to convert prospects into visitors and members, we had a robust strategy and implementation. React partnered with the Massage Envy team to complete a full discovery strategy complete with surveys and stakeholder interviews to hone in on what users want and need. Through UX and UI phases, the discovery output was brought to life in a well-defined navigation approach that brought valuable information to the forefront and embodied the brand voice throughout.

The Formula:
Build a seamless experience across brand, desktop, mobile, and app.
React created a website and app experience featuring:
- A wise and insightful tone and voice
- Improved user journeys
- A sleek modern design
- Enhanced tracking abilities
- Personalized journeys depending on your user type
- A brand-new backend CMS
Both the app and website were created in parallel to ensure a consistent consumer experience from end to end. The new app includes new features for the consumer including the ability to book appointments at multiple locations, compare multiple locations, search by provider, and access wellness plans easily.
To comply with the ongoing pandemic, React created a user experience that showed open locations and what services were provided at them, as well as all the safety plans in place.
From a development perspective, the “Book an Appointment” feature within the site is one set of code for both the app and desktop – making the process even more seamless.
Incorporating Multiple Disciplines:
- Creative
- User Testing
- Development
- App Release
- Analytics
- App Development
The Reaction:
Putting heads in beds – well, on tables at least.
Both the web and app were launched during a pandemic. During a time when other health and wellness retailers were suffering a loss of web and foot traffic, Massage Envy experienced results that were still amazing just in the first month of the launch. Online appointments actually INCREASED during this unprecedented time.
increase in appointment bookings
increase in website sessions
increase in average time on page
Ongoing Success:
Keeping the reaction going
Our success didn't stop there. React continues to perform maintenance and constant improvement to the app and website along with onboarding new products and services. Multiple teams are conducting testing across various channels to fine-tune messaging and drive conversions. With our team engaged in SEO and analytics, we’re able to continually drive traffic and understand the quantitative results of our updates to better the user experience.
React continues to partner with Massage Envy to help guide their digital ecosystem yearly and is always moving the needle forward for the user and the client.

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